Computer Graphics and Multimedia

Computer Graphics and Multimedia

Taking a deep dive into that technology of 3D texturing and Graphics which paved a way for modern day creation and manipulation of digital media


Unit 1- Fundamentals

  1. Raster Scan display

  2. Pixels and frame buffer

  3. vector and character generation

  4. Random Scan Display

  5. Display Devices, Scan and Conversion techniques

  6. Line Drawing Algorithms- DDA and Bresenhams'

  7. Circle Drawing Algorithms- Midpoint Circle drawing and Bresenham's

  8. Polygon Fill Algorithms- Boundary fill and Flood Fill

Unit 2- Transformation 2D

  1. Translation

  2. Rotation

  3. Scaling

  4. Shearing

  5. Reflection

  6. Inverse Transformation, Matrix and Composite Transformation

  7. Homogeneous Coordinate system

  8. Windowing and Clipping:

    a. World Coordinate system

    b. screen coordinate system

  9. Viewing Transformation

  10. Line Clipping Algorithm

  11. Polygon Clipping Algorithm

Unit 3- Transformations 3D

  1. Translation

  2. Rotation

  3. Scaling

  4. Parallel and Perspective projection - their types

  5. Hidden Surface Elimination

  6. Depth Comparision

  7. Back face detection algo

  8. Painter's Algorithm

  9. Z-Buffer Algorithm

Unit 4- Curve Generation and Color Model

  1. Curve Generation

    a. Bezier Curve

    b. B-Spline Curve

  2. Illumination Model

    a. Diffuse Reflection

    b. Specular Reflection

    c. Phong Shading

    d. Gouraud Shading

  3. Ray Tracing

  4. Colour Models:

    a. RGB
    b. YIQ
    c. CMY
    d. HSV

Unit 5- Multimedia and Animation

  1. Text Types

    a. Types

    b. Unicode Standard

    c. Text Compression

    d. Text file formats

  2. Audio File formats

  3. Image file formats

  4. Digital Video Processing

  5. Video file format

  6. Compression Techniques

  7. Animation:

    a. Principals of animation
    b. computer-based animation
    c. 2D and 3D animaiton
    d. Animation file formats
    e. animation software


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